About Philanthroparent

cropped-dsc_9595_00_0-e1398203255509.jpg      In many ways parenting is a slow transition from caring for your child to teaching your child to care for themselves, and it’s true of much more than just their hygiene or nutrition. As our children grow they will expand their horizons and enter into an ever-changing world. How can we as parents prepare them for a future that is unknown? One thing that seems unnervingly certain is that our children will live in a world faced with many social and environmental challenges ahead. Our children will need to do more than learn to care for themselves- they will need to collectively care for their society so that they themselves and all future generations have the chance to live a healthy, productive, and fulfilling life.


Beach Heart - Version 2Philanthroparent is committed to fostering responsible global citizens. It is a resource for parents who are passionate about raising socially conscious kids. Through the website, blog and its social media outlets, you can find ideas for age-appropriate ways that children can address real-world issues, as well as teaching tools and activities that help families build a culture of civic mindedness within their daily lives. Philanthroparent connects families with organizations that believe in young people’s abilities to address the issues that are a part of their world. You are invited to join Philanthroparent in raising the next generation of responsible citizens together.

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